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Vitamin B + D Therapy

Vitamin B12 converts carbohydrates into glucose in the body, thus leading to energy production and a decrease in fatigue and lethargy in the body. Vitamin B12 protects against heart disease by curbing and improving unhealthy cholesterol levels, protecting against stroke, and high blood pressure. Vitamin B12 also helps protect against cancers including breast, colon, lung, and prostate cancer.

Vitamin D has several important functions. Perhaps the most vital are regulating the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, and facilitating normal immune system function. Getting a sufficient amount of vitamin D is important for normal growth and development of bones and teeth, as well as improved resistance against certain diseases. If your body doesn’t get enough vitamin D, you’re at risk of developing bone abnormalities such as soft bones (osteomalacia) or fragile bones (osteoporosis).

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